Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

General Submission Guidelines:

  1. IACTA membership is mandatory for any type of participation in IACTACON 2025 including Paper, Poster and Janak Mehta presentation.
  2. Registration for IACTACON 2025 is a must for any presentation.
  3. Last date for submission of abstract is 20th January 2025.
  4. Acceptance of abstract will be intimated to the presenting author by email after 20th January 2025

Abstract Submission Guidelines(Oral Paper)

  1. The abstract must be an original study and should not be published elsewhere earlier.
  2. Maximum of 6 authors are allowed for each abstract.
  3. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  4. The presenting author's name must be highlighted and the presenting author's institution, address for communication, phone number and email address must be provided. All further communications will be done via email.

Please submit your Abstract as per following template(Oral Paper)

  1. Title: Complete title including type of study
  2. Authors: Full name: Author 1, Author 2…. Affiliation: Department and Institute/Hospital, City, State, Country, Email and mobile no. of presenting author.
  3. Background and Aims: (mention what is known and what is intended to be assessed in the present study; specify the aim and objective clearly)
  4. Methods: (include Ethical Committee approval/ trial registration, patient consent, settings and design, interventions, and statistical analysis used)
  5. Results: Summarize the outcomes of study clearly as possible
  6. Conclusion: (Based on Primary Objective).
  7. References: maximum up to 5 relevant references
  8. Keywords: Provide 3 to 5 appropriate MeSH keywords.

Duration of oral paper presentation will be 6 minutes and discussion will be 2 minutes